Consequences of Non Communicable Diseases (NCD) and Prevention

Non Communicable Diseases (NCD) alternative name chronic diseases that means long time effect diseases such as cardiovascular diseases (heart attack and stroke), cancer, chronic respiratory diseases (asthma) and diabetes are becoming more and more disastrous condition day by day. Today we will know about its dangerous effects and prevention methods.

According to World Health Organization (WHO) NCD kill 40 million people each year and equivalent to 70% of all death globally. Each year 17 million people die from a NCD before the age of 70 and 87% of these premature deaths occur in low and middle income countries. Cardiovascular diseases account for most NCD deaths or 17.7 million people annually. The others NCD amount are cancer 8.8 million, respiratory diseases 3.9 million and diabetes 1.6 million.

•    Genetics
•    Environmental
•    Behaviours
•    Economical

•    Tobacco
•    Physical inactivity
•    Alcohol
•    Unhealthy diet

Risk Factors

Modified Behavioural Risk Factors
•    For tobacco 7.2 million annual deaths including second hand smoking.
•    For excess salt/sodium intake 4.1 million annual deaths.
•    Use of alcohol 3.3 million annual deaths.
•    1.6 million annual deaths attributed to insufficient physical activity.

Metabolic Risk Factors
•    Raised blood pressure
•    Overweight/Obesity
•    Hyperglycemia( High blood glucose level)
•    Hyperlipidemia (High fat level in blood)

Prevention and Control
To prevent or control these types of dangerous disease we need to focus on the risk factors. Proper health management, effective diet plan, educative awareness about NCD etc. will help to prevent or control NCD. That means we need to minimize the risk at first by abiding the proper management. Low or middle income population as don’t get sufficient amount of nutrition so we all need to think for them and giving our hand for the welfare of them. Hopefully proper initiative will reduce the rick and amount of Non Communicable Disease (NCD). Best wishes for everybody.

“Lead healthy management plan, live healthy’


World Health Organization (WHO)

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